Materials For Energy (MFE) Laboratory
The MFE (Materials For Energy) laboratory is designed to study the chemical and electronic structure of surfaces and interfaces of applied materials systems, such as thin-film solar cells, catalysts, and electrochemical devices. Electron and soft x-ray spectroscopies are employed to conduct experiments together with collaboration partners at the KIT Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry (ITCP) and other partners around the world (e.g., the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas – UNLV).
The MFE Lab is equipped with two Ar-filled gloveboxes (GS Glovebox), directly attached to the ultra-high vacuum analysis system (Scienta Omicron Argus CU electron analyzer, DAR 450 twin anode non-monochromatized x-ray source (Mg and Al Kα), SIGMA Surface Science MECS monochromatized x-ray source (Al Kα)).
Sample surfaces can be prepared and cleaned with chemical or ion-beam methods (FOCUS FDG 150 ion source) over a wide temperature range, and analysis with x-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS and UPS), as well as inverse photoemission spectroscopy (IPES), can be performed without any additional exposure to air. |
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