Participants of HERCULES European School at KIT Light Source
- Date: Mar 2024
The HERCULES European School in Grenoble, France, is dedicated to train students and scientists from European universities and laboratories. Recently, participants of the school completed an internship at KIT. During their stay, they attended lectures, tutorials and practical courses at the KIT Light Source.
Internship for Participants of the HERCULES European School at KIT
The HERCULES European School in Grenoble, France, is a 5-week course designed for training students and scientists from European universities and laboratories in the field of neutron and synchrotron radiation research. Within this school, the participants spend one week at one of the partner institutions, such as ALBA, Elettra/FERMI, KIT, and SOLEIL.
Organizationally, the school is structured into two thematic sessions: Session A (Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter) and Session B (Biomolecular and Soft Condensed Matter). Participants of both Sessions took the opportunity to carry out their internship at KIT in March 2024.
During their stay, the participants attended lectures, tutorials, and practical courses at the KIT Light Source on three topics, which were offered by the European Zebrafish Resource Center (EZRC), the Institute for Beam Physics and Technology (IBPT), the Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE), and the Institute for Photon Science and Synchrotron Radiation (IPS):
- Hard & Soft X-ray Spectroscopy in Chemistry and Physics, including start-up of the electron storage ring KARA and experiments at 1) the high-flux double-undulator beamline X-SPEC and 2) the INE beamline for actinide research.
- X-ray Imaging with Synchrotron Radiation for Materials Research and Technology, including start-up of the electron storage ring KARA and experiments at the super-conducting wiggler beamline IMAGE.
- Morphological X-Ray Imaging with Synchrotron Radiation for Life Sciences, including sample preparation at the EZRC and experiments at the super- conducting wiggler beamline IMAGE.
Website of the HERCULES European School