Open Positions at IPS

Tenure-Track Professorship (W1) „X-ray Microscopy and Coherent Imaging with Synchrotron Radiation“


Job description

In Division V – Physics and Mathematics – at the KIT Department of Physics a tenure-track professorship (W1 TT) for “X-ray Microscopy and Coherent Imaging with Synchrotron Radiation” at the Institute for Photon Science and Synchrotron Radiation (IPS) is to be filled as soon as possible. The tenure-track professorship is integrated into the teaching activities of the KIT Department and into the large-scale research of the Helmholtz programs.

We are looking for a personality with the potential to fully and broadly represent excellent research and teaching in the field of X-ray microscopy and coherent imaging with synchrotron radiation.

Ideally, the tenure-track professorship completely covers the field of X-ray microscopy and coherent X-ray imaging, from theoretical concepts to methodological and instrumental developments and their application. The focus is on the methodical development of dose-efficient, two- and three-dimensional X-ray methods for the natural sciences and engineering.

The tenure-track professorship is initially intended to substantially strengthen the research in the Helmholtz program MML (“From Matter to Materials and Life”) of the Research Field Matter and will, in the future, be anchored in the program “Matter and Technologies“ (MT).

For method development, the tenure-track professorship will use the experimental stations and laboratories of the IPS Imaging Cluster at the KIT Light Source and other synchrotron radiation facilities, in particular the new HIKA station of the IPS at the PETRA III storage ring (DESY). The professorship will make significant contributions to the completion of the HIKA beamline and the adaptation to the PETRA IV storage ring and will establish themselves to lead the HIKA activities from the IPS side. This will enable the tenure-track professorship to further develop and use the entire range of new technologies of high-throughput serial tomography and image contrast-optimized coherent imaging of the IPS in Karlsruhe, Hamburg and at other leading international synchrotron radiation sources.

KIT offers an excellent environment for synchrotron radiation research and its application. In addition to providing outstanding instrumentation, various cooperation opportunities exist within the KIT Centers and Departments, in particular the KIT Department of Chemistry and Biosciences, as well as with the other Helmholtz programs at KIT.

You will execute university tasks with a teaching obligation of 4 SWS before the interim evaluation and 6 SWS after positive interim evaluation.

Personal qualification

Employment is subject to Art. 14, Par. (2) of the KIT-Act in conjunction with Art. 51 LHG Baden-Württemberg (Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges), as well as to the Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-Track Professorships at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The person to be appointed should have demonstrated expertise in the field of X-ray microscopy and coherent X-ray imaging and has completed Masters and doctoral degrees in Physics, Chemistry, or a closely related discipline.


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Higher Education Opportunities at IPS

If you are interested in being involved in research at the Institute of Photon Science and Synchrotron Radiation, please feel free to contact us. We generally offer projects for Bachelor and Master Theses in the following areas:

Projects for doctoral research are updated as and when available.