Dr. Rebecca Spiecker

Dr. Rebecca Spiecker

Current position
  • Scientist
Previous position
  • PhD student
Field of research
  • X-ray imaging with Bragg Magnifier Crystal Optics, phase contrast imaging, computed tomography


  1. Bragg magnifier optics for dose-efficient X-ray phase contrast imaging. PhD dissertation
    Spiecker, R.
    2024, November 14. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000162889
  2. Phase Retrieval in Propagation-based X-ray Imaging Beyond the Limits of Transport of Intensity and Contrast Transfer Function Approaches
    Farago, T.; Spiecker, R.; Hurst, M.; Zuber, M.; Cecilia, A.; Baumbach, T.
    2024. Optics Letters, 49 (18), 5159. doi:10.1364/OL.530330
  3. Dose-efficient in vivo X-ray phase contrast imaging at micrometer resolution by Bragg magnifiers
    Spiecker, R.; Pfeiffer, P.; Biswal, A.; Shcherbinin, M.; Spiecker, M.; Hessdorfer, H.; Hurst, M.; Zharov, Y.; Bellucci, V.; Faragó, T.; Zuber, M.; Herz, A.; Cecilia, A.; Czyzycki, M.; Dias, C. S. B.; Novikov, D.; Krogmann, L.; Hamann, E.; van de Kamp, T.; Baumbach, T.
    2023. Optica, 10 (12), 1633. doi:10.1364/OPTICA.500978
  4. Shot noise reduction in radiographic and tomographic multi-channel imaging with self-supervised deep learning
    Zharov, Y.; Ametova, E.; Spiecker, R.; Baumbach, T.; Burca, G.; Heuveline, V.
    2023. Optics Express, 31 (16), 26226 – 26244. doi:10.1364/OE.492221
  5. Shot noise reduction in radiographic and tomographic multi-channel imaging with self-supervised deep learning
    Zharov, Y.; Ametova, E.; Spiecker, R.; Baumbach, T.; Burca, G.; Heuveline, V.
    2023. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2303.14429
  6. Carbon‐film‐based Zernike phase plates with smooth thickness gradient for phase‐contrast transmission electron microscopy with reduced fringing artefacts
    Obermair, M.; Hettler, S.; Dries, M.; Hugenschmidt, M.; Spiecker, R.; Gerthsen, D.
    2022. Journal of Microscopy, 287 (1), 45–58. doi:10.1111/jmi.13108
  7. Evolution of flexible biting in hyperdiverse parasitoid wasps
    Kamp, T. Van de; Mikó, I.; Staniczek, A. H.; Eggs, B.; Bajerlein, D.; Faragó, T.; Hagelstein, L.; Hamann, E.; Spiecker, R.; Baumbach, T.; Janšta, P.; Krogmann, L.
    2022. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289 (1967), Art.-Nr.: 2021.2086. doi:10.1098/rspb.2021.2086
  8. Data from: Evolution of flexible biting in hyperdiverse parasitoid wasps
    Van De Kamp, T.; Mikó, I.; Staniczek, A. H.; Eggs, B.; Bajerlein, D.; Faragó, T.; Hagelstein, L.; Hamann, E.; Spiecker, R.; Baumbach, T.; Janšta, P.; Krogmann, L.
    2021, December 1. doi:10.5061/dryad.0rxwdbs1x
  9. Investigation of hole-free phase plate performance in transmission electron microscopy under different operation conditions by experiments and simulations
    Pretzsch, R.; Dries, M.; Hettler, S.; Spiecker, M.; Obermair, M.; Gerthsen, D.
    2019. Advanced structural and chemical imaging, 5 (1), Art.Nr. 5. doi:10.1186/s40679-019-0067-z