Dr. Mathias Hurst

Dr. Mathias Hurst

Current position
  • Scientist
Previous position
  • PhD student
Field of research
  • Method development and application of X-ray microscopy, phase-contrast imaging, tomography and laminography


  1. Phase Retrieval in Propagation-based X-ray Imaging Beyond the Limits of Transport of Intensity and Contrast Transfer Function Approaches
    Farago, T.; Spiecker, R.; Hurst, M.; Zuber, M.; Cecilia, A.; Baumbach, T.
    2024. Optics Letters, 49 (18), 5159. doi:10.1364/OL.530330
  2. Methodology for 4D X-ray microscopy and its application in material science. PhD dissertation
    Hurst, M.
    2024, January 23. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000167056
  3. Ductile shear damage micromechanisms studied by correlative multiscale nanotomography and SEM/EBSD for a recrystallized aluminum alloy 2198 T8
    Kong, X.; Hurst, M.; Helfen, L.; Gaslain, F.; Baumbach, T.; Suhonen, H.; Morgeneyer, T. F.
    2024. Journal of Materials Science, 59, 13690–13708. doi:10.1007/s10853-024-09933-6
  4. Dose-efficient in vivo X-ray phase contrast imaging at micrometer resolution by Bragg magnifiers
    Spiecker, R.; Pfeiffer, P.; Biswal, A.; Shcherbinin, M.; Spiecker, M.; Hessdorfer, H.; Hurst, M.; Zharov, Y.; Bellucci, V.; Faragó, T.; Zuber, M.; Herz, A.; Cecilia, A.; Czyzycki, M.; Dias, C. S. B.; Novikov, D.; Krogmann, L.; Hamann, E.; van de Kamp, T.; Baumbach, T.
    2023. Optica, 10 (12), 1633. doi:10.1364/OPTICA.500978
  5. Dislocation Climb in AlN Crystals Grown at Low-Temperature Gradients Revealed by 3D X-ray Diffraction Imaging
    Straubinger, T.; Hartmann, C.; Kabukcuoglu, M. P.; Albrecht, M.; Bickermann, M.; Klump, A.; Bode, S.; Hamann, E.; Haaga, S.; Hurst, M.; Schröder, T.; Hänschke, D.; Richter, C.
    2023. Crystal Growth and Design, 23 (3), 1538–1546. doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01131
  6. Hierarchically guided in situ nanolaminography for the visualisation of damage nucleation in alloy sheets
    Hurst, M.; Helfen, L.; Morgeneyer, T. F.; Suhonen, H.; Buljac, A.; Hild, F.; Suuronen, J.-P.; Baumbach, T.; Hänschke, D.
    2023. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), Art.-Nr.: 1055. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-27035-8
  7. 3D in situ study of damage during a ‘shear to tension’ load path change in an aluminium alloy
    Kong, X.; Helfen, L.; Hurst, M.; Hänschke, D.; Missoum-Benziane, D.; Besson, J.; Baumbach, T.; Morgeneyer, T. F.
    2022. Acta Materialia, 231, Art.-Nr.: 117842. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2022.117842
  8. Optical Characterization of an X-ray Zoom Lens
    Kornemann, E.; Márkus, O.; Opolka, A.; Sawhney, K.; Cecilia, A.; Hurst, M.; Baumbach, T.; Last, A.; Mohr, J.
    2018. Microscopy and microanalysis, 24 (S2), 270–271. doi:10.1017/S1431927618013685