Anton Plech

Dr. habil. Anton Plech

  • Laser-based Nanomaterials Research

Dr. habil. Anton Plech

Current position
  • Head of Department, X-ray scattering (Abteilungsleiter Röntgenstreumethoden)
  • Lecturer University of Konstanz (Privatdozent Uni Konstanz, Fachbereich Physik) (-> link)


Previous positions
  • 2002 - 2008 junior research group leader in physics, University of Konstanz (Nachwuchsgruppenleiter FB Physik Uni Konstanz)
  • 2000 – 2002 postdoctoral scientist at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Wissenschaftler an der Europäischen Synchrotronstrahlungsquelle ESRF)
  • 1996 – 2000 research assistent LMU Munich (wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter, LMU München)


  • 2007 Habilitation, U. Konstanz
  • 2000 Promotion (doctorate), LMU München
  • 1999 Diplom im Fernstudium (distance learning) in „Medical Physics and Technology“, U. Kaiserlautern
  • 1995 Diplom Physik, LMU München


  • 2002 Fellow of the Center for Junior Researchers ZWN Konstanz
  • 2004 Young scientist prize of the Users Organisation of the ESRF
  • 2009 Heisenberg fellowship
  • 2021 Fojtik-Henglein Prize


Field of research
  • Advanced X-ray methods for material structure and function analysis (X-ray reflectivity, diffuse scattering, SAXS, X-ray imaging, X-ray spectroscopy)
  • Liquids and liquid thin films (photochemistry, wetting)
  • Phase transitions in functional materials (ferroelectricity, surface melting, cavitation)
  • Nanoparticles synthesis by chemical and physical methods, e. g. laser ablation
  • Photophysics of nanomaterials and molecules


Recent news and highlights


Selected refereed publications

SCOPUS entry: 7006854115



  • A. Plech, U. Klemradt, M. Huber, J. Peisl: Wetting transition of a binary liquid mixture at a solid boundary; Europhys. Lett. 49(5) (2000) 583.
  • A. Plech, M. Wulff, S. Bratos, F. Mirloup, R. Vuilleumier, F. Schotte and P. A. Anfinrud: Visualizing chemical reactions in solution by picosecond x-ray diffraction, Phys. Rev. Lett., 92 (2004) 125505.
  • A. Plech, V. Kotaidis, M. Lorenc, J. Boneberg: Femtosecond laser near-field ablation from gold nanoparticles, Nature Phys. 2 (2006) 44.
  • A. Plech, R. Cerna, V. Kotaidis, F. Hudert, A. Bartels and T. Dekorsy: A surface phase transition of supported gold nanoparticles, Nano Lett. 7 (2007) 1026.
  • A. Plech, P. Leiderer, J. Boneberg: Femtosecond near field ablation, Laser & Phot Rev. 3 (2009) 435.
  • S. Ibrahimkutty, P. Wagener, A. Menzel, A. Plech, S. Barcikowski: Nanoparticle formation in a cavitation bubble after pulsed laser ablation in liquid studied with high time resolution SAXS, Appl Phys. Lett, 101 (2012) 103104.
  • H. Bracht, S. Eon, R. Frieling, A. Plech, D. Issenmann, D. Wolf, J. Lundsgaard Hansen, A. Nylandsted Larsen, J.W. Ager III, and E.E. Haller: Thermal conductivity of isotopically controlled silicon nanostructures, New J. Physics 16 (2014) 015021.
  • S. Ibrahimkutty, P. Wagener, T. dos Santos Rolo, D. Karpov, A. Menzel, T. Baumbach, S. Barcikowski, A. Plech: A  hierarchical view on material formation during pulsed-laser synthesis of nanoparticles in liquid,  Sci. Rep. 5 (2015) 16313.
  • S. Reich, A. Letzel, A. Menzel, N. Kretzschmar, B. Gökce, S. Barcikowski, A. Plech: Early appearance of crystalline nanoparticles in pulsed laser ablation in liquids dynamics, Nanoscale 11 (2019) 6962.
  • S. Barcikowski, A. Plech, K. S. Suslick, A. Vogel: Materials synthesis in a bubble, MRS Bulletin 44 (2019) 382.

Publications since 2013

Laser-initiated electron and heat transport in gold-skutterudite CoSb3 bilayers resolved by pulsed x-ray scattering
Plech, A.; Gaal, P.; Schmidt, D.; Levantino, M.; Daniel, M.; Stankov, S.; Buth, G.; Albrecht, M.
2024. New Journal of Physics, 26 (10), Art.-Nr.: 103024. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ad8674
Physical Regimes and Mechanisms of Picosecond Laser Fragmentation of Gold Nanoparticles in Water from X-ray Probing and Atomistic Simulations
Plech, A.; Tack, M.; Huang, H.; Arefev, M.; Ziefuss, A. R.; Levantino, M.; Karadas, H.; Chen, C.; Zhigilei, L. V.; Reichenberger, S.
2024. ACS Nano, 18 (15), 10527–10541. doi:10.1021/acsnano.3c12314
Solid-state reactions at the metal-semiconductor interface
Krause, B.; Abadias, G.; Babonneau, D.; Michel, A.; Resta, A.; Coati, A.; Garreau, Y.; Vlad, A.; Plech, A.; Wochner, P.; Baumbach, T.
2024. Highlights de SOLEIL 2023, 50–51, Synchrotron Soleil
Laser-initiated electron and heat transport in gold-skutterudite CoSb bilayers resolved by pulsed x-ray scattering
Plech, A.; Gaal, P.; Schmidt, D.; Levantino, M.; Daniel, M.; Stankov, S.; Buth, G.; Albrecht, M.
2024. arxiv. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2407.11028
Finding the best efficiency for laser machining of gold colloids
Plech, A.; Ziefuss, A. R.; Levantino, M.; Streubel, R.; Reich, S.; Reichenberger, S.
2023. ESRF Highlights 2022.: Hrsg. A. Joly, ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
In Situ Study of the Interface-Mediated Solid-State Reactions during Growth and Postgrowth Annealing of Pd/a-Ge Bilayers
Krause, B.; Abadias, G.; Babonneau, D.; Michel, A.; Resta, A.; Coati, A.; Garreau, Y.; Vlad, A.; Plech, A.; Wochner, P.; Baumbach, T.
2023. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (8), 11268–11280. doi:10.1021/acsami.2c20600
Multimodal X-ray imaging with Hartmann masks. PhD dissertation
Zakharova, M.
2022, October 11. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000151118
Bulk morphology of porous materials at submicrometer scale studied by dark-field x-ray imaging with Hartmann masks
Zakharova, M.; Mikhaylov, A.; Reich, S.; Plech, A.; Kunka, D.
2022. Physical Review B, 106 (14), Art.-Nr.: 144204. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.106.144204
Speciation in nanosecond laser ablation of zinc in water
Reich, S.; Klügl, Y.; Ziefuss, A.; Streubel, R.; Göttlicher, J.; Plech, A.
2022. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 65 (7), Art.Nr. 274205. doi:10.1007/s11433-021-1857-1
Beamline setup for in situ measurements of particles in turbulent spray flames using small angle X-ray scattering
Simmler, M.; Meier, M.; Rank, L.; Buth, G.; Plech, A.; Nirschl, H.
2022. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39 (1), 949–957. doi:10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.002
Low Efficiency of Laser Heating of Gold Particles at the Plasmon Resonance: An X-ray Calorimetry Study
Plech, A.; Ziefuß, A. R.; Levantino, M.; Streubel, R.; Reich, S.; Reichenberger, S.
2022. ACS Photonics, 9 (9), 2981–2990. doi:10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00588
Photoluminescence of Fully Inorganic Colloidal Gold Nanocluster and Their Manipulation Using Surface Charge Effects
Ziefuss, A. R.; Steenbock, T.; Benner, D.; Plech, A.; Göttlicher, J.; Teubner, M.; Grimm-Lebsanft, B.; Rehbock, C.; Comby-Zerbino, C.; Antoine, R.; Amans, D.; Chakraborty, I.; Bester, G.; Nachev, M.; Sures, B.; Rübhausen, M.; Parak, W. J.; Barcikowski, S.
2021. Advanced materials, 33 (31), Art.Nr. 2101549. doi:10.1002/adma.202101549
Structural dynamics probed by X-ray pulses from synchrotrons and XFELs
Levantino, M.; Kong, Q.; Cammarata, M.; Khakhulin, D.; Schotte, F.; Anfinrud, P.; Kabanova, V.; Ihee, H.; Plech, A.; Bratos, S.; Wulff, M.
2021. Comptes rendus physique, 22 (S2), 75–94. doi:10.5802/crphys.85
Layer-by-Layer Spray-Coating of Cellulose Nanofibrils and Silver Nanoparticles for Hydrophilic Interfaces
Chen, Q.; Brett, C. J.; Chumakov, A.; Gensch, M.; Schwartzkopf, M.; Körstgens, V.; Söderberg, L. D.; Plech, A.; Zhang, P.; Müller-Buschbaum, P.; Roth, S. V.
2021. ACS applied nano materials, 4 (1), 503–513. doi:10.1021/acsanm.0c02819
Shack–Hartmann wavefront sensors based on 2D refractive lens arrays and super-resolution multi-contrast X-ray imaging
Mikhaylov, A.; Reich, S.; Zakharova, M.; Vlnieska, V.; Laptev, R.; Plech, A.; Kunka, D.
2020. Journal of synchrotron radiation, 27 (3), 788–795. doi:10.1107/S1600577520002830
Phase explosion phenomena in pulsed laser ablation in liquids
Reich, S.; Letzel, A.; Menzel, A.; Kretzschmar, N.; Gökce, B.; Barcikowski, S.; Plech, A.
2020. ESRF Highlights 2019. Ed.: A. Joly, 70–71, ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
In situ speciation and spatial mapping of Zn products during pulsed laser ablation in liquids (PLAL) by combined synchrotron methods
Reich, S.; Goettlicher, J.; Ziefuß, A.; Streubel, R.; Letzel, A.; Menzel, A.; Mathon, O.; Pascarelli, S.; Baumbach, T.; Zuber, M.; Gökce, B.; Barcikowski, S.; Plech, A.
2020. Nanoscale, 12 (26), 14011–14020. doi:10.1039/D0NR01500H
In situ structural kinetics of picosecond laser-induced heating and fragmentation of colloidal gold spheres
Ziefuß, A.; Reich, S.; Reichenberger, S.; Levantino, M.; Plech, A.
2020. Physical chemistry, chemical physics, 22, 4993–5001. doi:10.1039/C9CP05202J
Materials synthesis in a bubble
Barcikowski, S.; Plech, A.; Suslick, K. S.; Vogel, A.
2019. MRS bulletin, 44 (05), 382–391. doi:10.1557/mrs.2019.107
2D lens array for multi-contrast X-ray imaging
Mikhaylov, A.; Reich, S.; Plech, A.; Zakharova, M.; Vlnieska, V.; Kunka, D.
2019. EUV and X-ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space VI. Ed.: R. Hudec, Artice no: 1103208, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). doi:10.1117/12.2520687
Inverted Hartmann mask for single-shot phase-contrast x-ray imaging of dynamic processes
Zakharova, M.; Reich, S.; Mikhaylov, A.; Vlnieska, V.; Santos Rolo, T. D.; Plech, A.; Kunka, D.
2019. Optics letters, 44 (9), 2306–2309. doi:10.1364/OL.44.002306
Femtosecond pulse induced nanostructures in ULE™ glass
Zimmermann, F.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Schmitt, A.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, S.
2019. 2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015; International Congress Centre (ICM)Munich; Germany; 21 June 2015 through 25 June 2015, The Optical Society
Early appearance of crystalline nanoparticles in pulsed laser ablation in liquids dynamics
Reich, S.; Letzel, A.; Menzel, A.; Kretzschmar, N.; Gökce, B.; Barcikowski, S.; Plech, A.
2019. Nanoscale. doi:10.1039/C9NR01203F
Incubation effect of pre-irradiation on bubble formation and ablation in laser ablation in liquids
Reich, S.; Letzel, A.; Gökce, B.; Menzel, A.; Barcikowski, S.; Plech, A.
2019. ChemPhysChem, 20 (8), 1036–1043. doi:10.1002/cphc.201900075
Structural and Thermal Characterisation of Nanofilms by Time-Resolved X-ray Scattering
Plech, A.; Krause, B.; Baumbach, T.; Zakharova, M.; Eon, S.; Girmen, C.; Buth, G.; Bracht, H.
2019. Nanomaterials, 9 (4), Article: 501. doi:10.3390/nano9040501
Gold Nanorods as ultrafast photo-thermal transducers
Plech, A.; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Reich, S.; Newby, G.
2019. ESRF Highlights 2018, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. Ed.: A. Joly, 63–64, ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Time and mechanism of nanoparticle functionalization by macromolecular ligands during pulsed laser ablation in liquids
Letzel, A.; Reich, S.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Kanitz, A.; Hoppius, J.; Rack, A.; Olbinado, M.; Ostendorf, A.; Gökce, B.; Plech, A.; Barcikowski, S.
2019. Langmuir, 35 (8), 3038–3047. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b01585
How the re-irradiation of a single ablation spot affects cavitation bubble dynamics and nanoparticles properties in laser ablation in liquids
Letzel, A.; Santoro, M.; Frohleiks, J.; Ziefuß, A. R.; Reich, S.; Plech, A.; Fazio, E.; Neri, F.; Barcikowski, S.; Gökce, B.
2018. Applied surface science, 473, 828–837. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.12.025
A Shack-Hartmann Sensor for Single-Shot Multi-Contrast Imaging with Hard X-rays
Santos Rolo, T. dos; Reich, S.; Karpov, D.; Gasilov, S.; Kunka, D.; Fohtung, E.; Baumbach, T.; Plech, A.
2018. Applied Sciences, 8 (5), Art.Nr. 737. doi:10.3390/app8050737
Scalable, large area compound array refractive lens for hard X-rays
Reich, S.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Letzel, A.; Baumbach, T.; Plech, A.
2018. Applied physics letters, 112 (15), 151903. doi:10.1063/1.5022748
Nanoscale cavitation study in a Laval nozzle by SAXS
Rinke, G.; Plech, A.; Schaber, K.; Urban, A.; Ewinger, A.
2018. German conference for research with synchrotron radiation, neutrons and ion beams at large facilities (SNI 2018), Munich, Germany, September 17–19, 2018
X‑ray spectroscopic and stroboscopic analysis of pulsed‑laser ablation of Zn and its oxidation
Reich, S.; Göttlicher, J.; Letzel, A.; Gökce, B.; Barcikowski, S.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Baumbach, T.; Plech, A.
2018. Applied physics / A, 124 (1), 71. doi:10.1007/s00339-017-1503-3
Thermal dynamics of pulsed-laser excited gold nanorods in suspension
Plech, A.; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Reich, S.; Newby, G.
2017. Nanoscale, 9 (44), 17284–17292. doi:10.1039/c7nr06125k
Fluence Threshold Behaviour on Ablation and Bubble Formation in Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids
Reich, S.; Schönfeld, P.; Letzel, A.; Kohsakowski, S.; Olbinado, M.; Gökce, B.; Barcikowski, S.; Plech, A.
2017. ChemPhysChem, 18 (9), 1084–1090. doi:10.1002/cphc.201601198
Size Quenching during Laser Synthesis of Colloids Happens Already in the Vapor Phase of the Cavitation Bubble
Letzel, A.; Gökce, B.; Wagener, P.; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Menzel, A.; Plech, A.; Barcikowski, S.
2017. The journal of physical chemistry <Washington, DC> / C, 121 (9), 5356–5365. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b12554
Pulsed laser ablation in liquids: Impact of the bubble dynamics on particle formation
Reich, S.; Schönfeld, P.; Wagener, P.; Letzel, A.; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Gökce, B.; Barcikowski, S.; Menzel, A.; Santos Rolo, T. dos; Plech, A.
2017. Journal of colloid and interface science, 489, 106–113. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2016.08.030
Femtosecond laser written nanostructures in Ge-doped glasses
Zimmermann, F.; Lancry, M.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Babu, B. H.; Poumellec, B.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, S.
2016. Optics letters, 41 (6), 1161–1164. doi:10.1364/OL.41.001161
The onset of ultrashort pulse-induced nanogratings
Zimmermann, F.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, S.
2016. Laser & photonics reviews, 10 (2), 327–334. doi:10.1002/lpor.201500272
Target geometry and rigidity determines laser-induced cavitation bubble transport and nanoparticle productivity-a high-speed videography study
Kohsakowski, S.; Gökce, B.; Tanabe, R.; Wagener, P.; Plech, A.; Ito, Y.; Barcikowski, S.
2016. Physical chemistry, chemical physics, 18 (24), 16585–16593. doi:10.1039/c6cp01232a
Ultrashort Pulse Laser Processing of Silica at High Repetition Rates-from Network Change to Residual Strain
Zimmermann, F.; Lancry, M.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Ullsperger, T.; Poumellec, B.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, S.
2016. International journal of applied glass science. doi:10.1111/ijag.12221
Measurement and analysis of thermal conductivity of isotopically controlled silicon layers by time-resolved X-ray scattering
Eon, S.; Frieling, R.; Plech, A.; Bracht, H.
2016. Physica status solidi / A, 213 (11), 3020–3028. doi:10.1002/pssa.201532607
Thermal Stability Studies of DySi2 Nanowires and Nanoislands by in Situ GISAXS
Seiler, A.; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Wochner, P.; Pradip, R.; Waller, O.; Krause, B.; Plech, A.; Baumbach, T.; Fiederle, M.; Stankov, S.
2016. The journal of physical chemistry <Washington, DC> / C, 120 (13), 7365–7372. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b12583
Ultrafast study of phonon transport in isotopically controlled semiconductor nanostructures
Issenmann, D.; Eon, S.; Bracht, H.; Hettich, M.; Dekorsy, T.; Buth, G.; Steininger, R.; Baumbach, T.; Lundsgaard Hansen, J.; Nylandsted Larsen, A.; Ager, J. W., III; Haller, E. E.; Plech, A.
2016. Physica status solidi / A, 213 (3), 541–548. doi:10.1002/pssa.201532462
Femtosecond pulse induced nanostructures in ULETM glass
Zimmermann, F.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Schmitt, A.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, S.
2015. CLEO 2015 : European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Munich, Germany, 21st - 25th June 2015, Art. Nr.: CM_6_2, Optica Publishing Group (OSA)
Erasure and formation of femtosecond laser-induced nanostructures
Zimmermann, F.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, S.
2015. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, Calif., February 7-12, 2015
Erasure and formation of femtosecond laser-induced nanostructures
Zimmermann, F.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, S.
2015. Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XV, San Francisco, Calif., February 8-10, 2015. Ed.: A. Heisterkamp, Article no 935512, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). doi:10.1117/12.2078818
On the rewriting of ultrashort pulse-induced nanogratings
Zimmermann, F.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Tunnermann, A.; Nolte, S.
2015. Optics letters, 40, 2049–2052. doi:10.1364/OL.40.002049
A hierarchical view on material formation during pulsed-laser synthesis of nanoparticles in liquid
Ibrahimkutty, S.; Wagener, P.; Rolo, T. D. S.; Karpov, D.; Menzel, A.; Baumbach, T.; Barcikowski, S.; Plech, A.
2015. Scientific Reports, 5, 16313. doi:10.1038/srep16313
A portable ultrahigh-vacuum system for advanced synchrotron radiation studies of thin films and nanostructures: EuSi₂ nano-islands
Ibrahimkutty, S.; Seiler, A.; Prüßmann, T.; Vitova, T.; Pradip, R.; Bauder, O.; Wochner, P.; Plech, A.; Baumbach, T.; Stankov, S.
2015. Journal of synchrotron radiation, 22 (1), 91–98. doi:10.1107/S1600577514019705
Thermal conductivity of isotopically controlled silicon nanostructures
Bracht, H.; Eon, S.; Frieling, R.; Plech, A.; Issenmann, D.; Wolf, D.; Lundsgaard Hansen, J.; Nylandsted Larsen, A.; Ager Iii, J. W.; Haller, E. E.
2014. New Journal of Physics, 16, 015021/1–18. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/16/1/015021
Formation and Evolution of ultrashort pulse-induced nanogratings in Borosilicate glass
Zimmermann, F.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, S.
2014. Nanophotonics V : Proceedings of Photonics Europe 2014, Bruxelles, B, April 13-17, 2014. Ed.: D.L. Andrews. Paper 91260N, Article no 912636, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). doi:10.1117/12.2052389
Ultrashort laser pulse induced nanogratings in borosilicate glass
Zimmermann, F.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, S.
2014. Applied physics letters, 104, 211107/1–6. doi:10.1063/1.4880658
Morphological evolution of nanopores and cracks as fundamental components of ultrashort pulse laser-induced nanogratings
Zimmermann, F.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, S.
2014. Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XIV, San Francisco, CA, February, 2-5 2014, Article no 89720Y, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). doi:10.1117/12.2042135
Structural evolution of nanopores and cracks as fundamental constituents of ultrashort pulse-induced nanogratings
Zimmermann, F.; Plech, A.; Richter, S.; Döring, S.; Tünnermann, A.; Nolte, A.
2014. Applied physics / A, 114, 75–79. doi:10.1007/s00339-013-8093-5
Structural investigation of isotopically enriched silicon multilayers
Eon, S.; Bracht, H.; Issenmann, D.; Plech, A.
2014. ANKA User Reports 2012/2013, 88–89, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
FLUTE: A versatile linac-based THz source
Nasse, M. J.; Schuh, M.; Naknaimueang, S.; Schwarz, M.; Plech, A.; Mathis, Y.-L.; Rossmanith, R.; Wesolowski, P.; Huttel, E.; Schmelling, M.; Müller, A.-S.
2013. Review of Scientific Instruments, 84 (2), 022705/1–4. doi:10.1063/1.4790431
Dynamics of silver nanoparticle formation and agglomeration inside the cavitation bubble after pulsed laser ablation in liquid
Wagener, P.; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Menzel, A.; Plech, A.; Barcikowski, S.
2013. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 3068–3074. doi:10.1039/C2CP42592K
Ultrafast X-ray scattering on nanoparticle dynamics
Plech, A.; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Issenmann, D.; Kotaidis, V.; Siems, A.
2013. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 425, 092008. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/425/9/092008
Electro-optical bunch length measurements at the ANKA storage ring
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Plech, A.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2013. 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013), Shanghai, China, May 12-17, 2013
Electro-optical bunch length measurements at the ANKA storage ring
Hiller, N.; Borysenko, A.; Hertle, E.; Huttel, E.; Judin, V.; Kehrer, B.; Marsching, S.; Müller, A. S.; Nasse, M. J.; Plech, A.; Schuh, M.; Smale, N. J.; Steffen, B.; Peier, P.; Schlott, V.
2013. Proceedings of the 4th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2013), Paper MOPME014 JACoW, 2013, 500–502
Ultrafast laser pump X-ray probe experiments by means of asynchronous sampling
Issenmann, D.; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Steininger, R.; Göttlicher, J.; Baumbach, T.; Hiller, N.; Müller, A. S.; Plech, A.
2013. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 425, 092007/1–5. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/425/9/092007
Determination of nanoscale heat conductivity by time-resolved X-ray scattering
Issenmann, D.; Wehmeier, N.; Eon, S.; Bracht, H.; Buth, G.; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Plech, A.
2013. Thin solid films, 541, 28–31. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2012.10.132