The Hierarchical Imaging KArlsruhe Station is currently under construction at the In situ X-ray Diffraction and Imaging Beamline P23 at PETRA III. HIKA will offer a portfolio of morphological full-field imaging methods, including:
- micro-tomography & laminography for 3D morphology
- high-throughput large comparative studies
- operando, in situ and in vivo imaging for 4D morphodynamics
- combined BMI, parallel beam imaging, and X-ray microcopy
- multiscale and hierarchical X-ray imaging
- multiple X-ray contrasts, light microscopy for correlated imaging
HIKA will offer various operational modes, with either a combination of, or fast switching between:
- parallel beam imaging: absorption, phase contrasts (grating interferometry, propagation based up to 4 m, Bragg Magnifiers for large FOV)
- microscopy: full-field TXM & SXRM (can be equipped with up to 4 independent optical elements, switchable resolution, sample scanning precision < 6 nm)
- 3D imaging modes: high resolution CL & CT, nominally < 80 nm sphere of confusion
- dose-efficient imaging: Single distance + up to 31 keV Bragg Magnifier Optics + SPC-Detectors
and will implement serial CT with smart, standardized morphological DAQ and DA protocols suitable for large, comparative studies, including the development and application of:
- smart robotics and algorithms for large sample series and for control of FOV, ROI, resolution, CNR and SNR to ensure image quality and data comparability between different specimens, sample series and imaging modes
- smart communication between the DAQ instrumentation and AI-based image analysis pipelines
- fully automated pipelines for digitizing morphology and morphodynamics and correlation
- AI-based, automated 3D & 4D morphological imaging for systematic, large scale applications