Aim of the project

The aim of the LANRS project is to establish nuclear inelastic scattering as a unique experimental method for determination of the lattice dynamics of individual nano-objects using nano-focused x-ray beam at PETRA III/IV. In particular, it will allow one to perform a systematic study of the phonon density of states of individual nano-objects as a function of size, shape, strain, and defects concentration. This currently missing fundamental knowledge will enable a full control and a precise manipulation of the lattice dynamics by nanostructuring, which could potentially revolutionize important fields such as thermoelectric energy conversion and thermal management of micro- and nanoelectronics.

To enable these experiments, a novel detector array based on the Trench Isolated Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (TI-LGAD) technology, recently demonstrated for soft x-rays, will be designed and manufactured in the frame of the LANRS project.

A layout of the envisaged experimental setup for in situ experiments on individual nano-objects at P01 of PETRA III/IV. The ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) system was designed and manufactured within the BMBF-funded project NUKFER. The TI-LGAD detectors array will be manufactured with the LANRS project.

Overall goals

  • Design, manufacturing and commissioning of TI-LGAD detector array.
  • Pioneering experiments on individual nano-objects using nuclear inelastic scattering.
  • A systematic study of the lattice dynamics, thermodynamic and elastic properties of individual nano-objects.


  • Svetoslav Stankov (project leader at KIT-IPS/LAS)
  • Michele Caselle (project leader at KIT-IPE)

Associated partners

  • Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
  • TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern
  • PETRA III, DESY, Hamburg


LANRS project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) under the funding code 05K22VK2.